Latino Comics Expo

2022 Latino Comics Expo

Yesterday I chalked at the Latino Comics Expo’s 10th Anniversary, which took place at the Museum of Latin American Art in Long Beach, CA. I collaborated with three artists, and we chalked a square which was 11′ x 17′. The original art in our chalk square was designed by illustrator Rhode Montijo. We had a blast!

LCX Chalk Art
This is is the main figure, we were about halfway done when we took this picture.
LCX Chalk Art
A long shot of the square, we are three-quarters of the way done at this point.
LCX Chalk Art
We are almost finished here!
LCX Chalk Art
Our finished chalk square! Pictured from left to right is Bobby Hernandez (LCX Organizer), Myself, Rhode Montijo (one of the best illustrators ever, this original art was designed by him), Chalk Artist Krista Parada and Chalk Artist Monica Thaller. Our fourth artist collaborator was Gloria Ing (not pictured). We had a blast doing this square!

Not Your Friend Comics at Latino Animation Festival

Next weekend, I am super-excited to participate in the Latino Comics Expo’s 3rd Annual Latino Animation Festival. Check out my new promo!  Get your tickets here:



2019 Latino Comics Expo

This was my table for a minute, I borrowed my neighbor’s Lowrider sign so I could step away and see the cool lowrider show outside.
This is the picture I took with David Gonzalez, the creator of the “Homies” collectibles. I got a signed print of his art.
A group shot of all of the artists who participated in this year’s event.

I got some amazing GoPro footage of this event, check it out below.

2016 Latino Comics Expo

I was happy to participate in this year’s Latino Comics Expo, which was held at the Long Beach Museum of Latin American Art. There were so many creators to meet and so many great panels to attend all week-end long. Some of the artists also participated in the “Artists Assemble” art show in conjunction with the expo. A great time was has by all. If you missed it, come to the expo next year. Thank you Long Beach Museum of Latin American Art and thanks to everyone who showed up to support the 2016 Latino Comics Art Expo.

Not Your Friend Comics_GrasielaRodriguez
My table set-up at 2016 Latino Comics Expo.
Not YOur Friend Comics
A Conversation with The Hernandez Brothers, Mario and Jaime Hernandez, creators of Love And Rockets Comic Book Series. This was the only panel I was able to sneak off and watch the whole week-end.
Not Your Friend Comics2
My comic characters drawn by comic artist Richard Dominguez, creator of El Gato Negro Nocturnal Warrior.
Not Your Friend Comics_GrasielaRodriguez2
It was an honor to have my table visited by Jaime Hernandez, creator of Love and Rockets Comic Book Series.
2016 Latino Comics Expo
My haul from the 2016 Latino Comics Expo, Clockwise from Left to Right: Black T-Shirt of El Gato Negro from creator Richard Dominguez, Dia de Los Metros shot glass set from “Muy Nice” by Hortencia Aguirre Ceramics,Mexican Jazz by Israel Francisco Haros Lopez, Gutter Magic colored by Jules Rivera, Book III of Zotz: Serpent And Shield by Daniel Parada, Monty Gomez The Luchador by Sandro Gamboa and Bernyce Talley, Ghost Lady drawing by the one and only Rafael Navarro, The Art of Jaime Hernandez a retrospect of life work by Jaime Hernande, Monstrous Love Stories by Liz Mayorga, and Tortilla Issue Number Four by Jaime Crespo. I also got a sticker from Ofloda Monster!