2015 Ventura Chalk Festival

Had a wonderful week-end at the Chalk Festival at the gorgeous Ventura Harbor Village. If you missed it this year, you should really come to the next year’s event.

2015 Ventura Chalk Festival Grasiela Rodriguez
Day 1 of Chalking


2015 Ventura Chalk Festival Grasiela Rodriguez
Day 2, just about finished


2015 Ventura Chalk Festival Grasiela Rodriguez
Close up of the texture of the sidewalk


2015 Ventura Chalk Festival Grasiela Rodriguez
My masterpiece is finally finished!


2015 Ventura Chalk Festival Grasiela Rodriguez
These are just a handful of the chalkers who participated in this event in support of Food Share and community outreach, thank you to the event organizer Barbara Hinton for an amazing event.


Ventura Breeze
Had to share this because my chalk square was one of the squares that made it on the cover of the Ventura Breeze!

To see the rest of the chalk squares look in my chalk blog here: Girl With Chalk Blogspot